How to use a MOHS Hardness pick test kit
Always test in different locations of the floor in order to get a more accurate result. There may be more than one pour present in different areas of the floor, which may give widely varying results
Be alert for signs of micro-topping, self leveling or filling/patching compounds. Look at different colors, textures or possible edge delamination for clues.
To increase your knowledge of the aggregates used in your area, do a scratch test on individual stones that are exposed during the grinding, polishing process.
The picks should always be sharp and in good condition. There is a small stone in the kit that can be used for dressing the tip.
The picks have extremely sharp points. Care should be used when handling them.
Never place a loose pick in any pocket or article of clothing.
It must be remembered that the picks and instructions are only a guide and do NOT cover every possible situation.